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Request for Proposals


Updated: May 6, 2024






The Ozarks Headwaters Recycling & Materials Management District (District) is seeking proposals for Administrative and Grant Coordination Services to be funded through grant funds received from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Waste Management Program. The District serves the counties of Christian, Dallas, Greene, Polk, and Webster for waste management and recycling needs.


The District intends to offer an annual contract renewable for up to a total of five consecutive

12-month periods, beginning July 1, 2024.


Administrative and grant coordination services shall include, but are not limited to:

·         Record keeping

·         Accounting services

·         Preparing grant calls

·         Preparing grant program application, preparation, and submittal to MDNR

·         Administering and managing grant program and sub-grantees upon grant award

·         Maintaining grant files for all sub-grantees

·         Maintaining an inventory of District assets

·         Meeting scheduling and facilitating (including, but not limited to, district board meetings)

·         Maintaining compliance with MDNR reporting requirements

·         Preparing an annual budget

·         Preparing an annual financial report 

·         Traveling to and attending monthly Planners and Missouri Solid Waste Advisory Board meetings

·         Attending conferences as needed for training and networking

·         Conducting bi-annual assessment of recycling services and activities 

·         Conducting outreach and education about grant program and waste management topics throughout the district and at conferences

·         Serving on professional committees and organizations related to waste management

·         Other activities as directed by the OHRD Executive Board


Respondents shall also implement the project in conformance with the following Waste Management Program compliance areas: Financial management, procurement, contract management, labor standards, equal opportunity/civil rights, citizen participation, acquisition/relocation and close-out.


Information provided to the District shall include:

A.      The specialized experience and technical competence of the applicant with respect to grant preparation and administration and related work

B.      A minimum of one dedicated full-time position similar to the services outlined in the attached job description

C.      List of key support staff and their experience available to the District for program implementation

D.     The past record of performance of the applicant with respect to such factors as to the accessibility of clients, quality of work and ability to meet schedules

E.      The applicant proximity to and familiarity with the area where the projects are located

F.       Capacity and capability of carrying out all aspects of professional and administration activities, beginning July 1, 2024

G.     Cost of services (clearly separate the cost associated with grant preparation and administration services). At minimum please include costs for location and approximate square footage of office space available, office supplies and equipment, computer equipment and technology support, marketing and advertising, digital and social media presence, training, certifications, and travel. Please indicate if willing to provide as in-kind match for any listed costs.

H.     Description of past experience in providing grant administration, project management, not-for-profit services, and regulatory compliance, specifically related to environmental or solid waste management

I.        Qualifications & experience of team members specifically assigned to perform services of this contract

J.        Three (3) references including full contact information where respondent has provided similar services as those specified in this RFP.


The information requested above must be submitted as sealed bids addressed to Erick Roberts, OHRD Executive Board Chairman, and received on or before 3:00 PM CST on March 1, 2024. The address is 840 N Boonville Ave, Room 108, Springfield, MO 65801.


All responses must be clearly labeled on the outside of the envelope

“Administrative Services Proposal for Ozarks Headwaters Recycling District”.


One original signed copy must be submitted, and one electronic copy (PDF) of the submission via email to Late submittals will not be considered.


It is the responsibility of the offeror to ensure that the proposal has been received by the District Chair.  To confirm receipt, you may contact Erick Roberts at 417-864-2001.


For more information, please contact the District Chair by email at  All questions must be submitted in writing by close of business on January 31, 2024.

Responses to questions or requests for clarifications will be published, by addendum, on the District Website at by February 12, 2024.  Verbal information and other information provided to respondents apart from the initial RFP and any published addenda shall not be binding.


The District invites the submission of proposals from minority and female-owned firms.

Pursuant to the State of Missouri’s RSMO 285.530, the District requires that: No business entity or employer shall knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien to perform work within the state of Missouri.


The District requires that applicants have been located within the district boundaries for at least five (5) years prior to applying.


Proposals will be scored, ranked, and reviewed per the evaluation processes and criteria in place with the District and Missouri Department of Natural Resources.  Scoring criteria will be published on the District website at (see below). The Evaluation Committee has the authority to reject or award none or any and all parts of the proposal based on any and all factors and information available to the committee.  The Committee may conduct interviews as part of the evaluation process.  The Committee intends to award the proposal with the best overall fit for the District.   


The OHRD Executive Board intends to select the best proposal that addresses the requirements listed above, provides adequate office space with appurtenances and meeting room, and ensures continuity of the goals and directives of the District and Missouri Department of Natural Resources Waste Management Program.



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