'Painting the big picture' of paint recycling legislation in Missouri
This New Year's, resolve to waste less and recycle more
Your recycling doesn't end up in the landfill, despite what you may have heard
Hey, Ozarks: It's time to take a good, hard look at our food waste
No, your banana peel won't turn into soil in the trashcan
Ten easy ways to make your holiday celebrations more sustainable
Photo Gallery: Tour the City of Springfield Noble Hill Landfill with Environmental Services
We can't wish-cycle our way to sustainability
Plastics 1-7: What you need to know about the world’s most confusing recyclable
October 2022 Board Meeting
With fall comes leaf-raking season. Here’s what to do with all the leaves in your yard.
Why do I have to pay to recycle some items?
2023 Grant Call
September 2023 Board Meeting
Statewide collaboration makes it easier for MO residents to safely dispose of pharmaceuticals
Photo Gallery: Springfield Community Gardens beats the heat with freeze-dried produce
Recycling is worlds easier with the City of Springfield's Waste Wizard
How to convince your loved ones to recycle
August 2022 Board Meeting
Curbside recycling haulers in SGF won’t pick up glass. Here’s why you should recycle it anyway.
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We’ll do our best to post current, useful information on a variety of recycling and waste reduction topics. We want you to be in the know! Please check in once in a while to see what we have to share. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us with suggestions.